Courage is taking responsibility for yourself…it is the beginning of “Knowing Who You Are!” It is the awakening.
Some would say that courage is the willingness to give up your life for another….but true courage is taking the responsibility to LIVE your life for one another. It means you will take the challenge to live your life to its fullest.
At this level of consciousness you no longer blame anyone else or any one thing for results of your actions…not your boss, your parents, your spouse, the government, or God.
Courage means accepting yourself despite all your fears and defects and pressing on into personal growth, integrity and your full potential.
Courage means you no longer play the victims role…you stop lying to yourself…you now have the power to face the truth…you are no longer helpless…you now have the power to change your world from within.
At the level of courage you will find a personal empowerment, a power that draws all its strength from the love of God.
Steve Hart

"What makes a king out of a slave? Courage!"
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