Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is Content vs. Context?

You are experiencing everything thing in either content or in context. Content are the things of this world. Context are the spiritual life and meaning behind all thing in this world.

I remember when I first read this in Hawkin's book, "Power Vs. Force" I had some trouble understanding this...I hope this video will help you in your understanding of what they are and how you will experience them.


According to Dr. Hawkins at the level of consciousness (200) it is called "Courage"... at this level you begin to take responsibility for everything in your understand that there is no one to blame...therefore you are empowered to forgive and live your life in integrity as you make progress to the next level of consciousness which is "Neutrality."

You are currently living in an age of ethics and integrity.
According to the Mayan Calendar the timeline of Age of Ethics spans from January 1999 - March 2011. As you and the whole "collective unconsciousness" move through this period in will experience a series of events exposing your own dark hidden secrets and the corruptions in this world. You will learn how to face these hidden secrets as you transform your fears into love.

Steve Hart

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Understanding Our Attachment To This World

Dr. Hawkins speaks on the field of the consciousness:

In this video he addresses the "Attachment" and how that works toward or survival when we are first born into this world.

To raise your consciousness it is important to understand how our attachments work against our spiritual growth. When you become aware of your attachments that is the beginning of your freedom.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Music of the Sun Recorded

For the first time...Astronomers have managed to record the eerie musical harmonies produced by the magnetic field in the outer atmosphere of the sun.

(At the bottom of this post is a link to a Webpage on this new discovery and short video clip.)

We know through Dr. Hawkins teachings that everything vibrates and makes its own music...what is yours?

You vibrate at the level of your consciousness...your thoughts, feelings, and words.

You get to choose at what level you will vibrate...for you are not only in physical form but you are a spiritual being.

Are you singing a song of LOVE?

Webpage link: Click Here!

Steve Hart

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Causality - The Illusion

This is one of the most difficult principles to grasp and apply. So for those of you who are new to Dr. Hawkins teachings…you may want to skip over this post and come back later.

You have been conditioned to believe that every effect, action, or manifestation is the direct result of a previous effect or action causing it to happen.

Therefore the universal law of "Cause and Effect" is not what you think it is. I remember when I first read this in Hawkins book, “Power vs. Force” starting page 48…I had trouble understanding what he was took some time for me to begin to understand how this worked. He does a good job explaining in the book but my mind could not easily accept this principle.

Even now my mind wants to believe that if I do “such and such” then as a result of that…“such and such” will happen. This is not true. There is no one “Such and Such” that makes that happen…

For me...this is un-comfortable…this implies nothing is stable in this world…this implies the law of Cause and Effect is NOT dependable…therefore I need to grasp a better understanding of how this law does work...hang on!

Hawkins points out in his book that we focus upon the effect and we do NOT understand how it is manifested….therefore we wrongly assume that a “cause” has created this “effect.”

For example…”Cigarette smoking is the cause of cancer!”…this is not true! I do not smoke and I am not promoting smoking but this statement may help you understand how this works. Even the surgeon general can not say it causes cancer…they may say on a pack of cigarettes it may cause cancer but they have never been able to prove that…why? There are too many variables that come into play when creating cancer.

We look for the cause of cancer to be something physical like cigarettes. They may play a role in its manifestation but the true cause comes out of the invisible not the physical…The truth is…it is not what we eat that makes us sick instead sickness is a result of invisible vibrations of the mind and the heart…our thoughts and emotions.

I hope this explains how “Cause and Effect” works. Note this applies to all things in the physical not just “Living” things...your thoughts and your connection to the invisible are more powerful than you think.

Below is a video of Dr. Hawkins speaking on this subject.

Steve Hart

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Courage Consciousness

Courage – energy level 200

Courage is taking responsibility for yourself…it is the beginning of “Knowing Who You Are!” It is the awakening.

Some would say that courage is the willingness to give up your life for another….but true courage is taking the responsibility to LIVE your life for one another. It means you will take the challenge to live your life to its fullest.

At this level of consciousness you no longer blame anyone else or any one thing for results of your actions…not your boss, your parents, your spouse, the government, or God.

Courage means accepting yourself despite all your fears and defects and pressing on into personal growth, integrity and your full potential.

Courage means you no longer play the victims role…you stop lying to yourself…you now have the power to face the truth…you are no longer helpless…you now have the power to change your world from within.

At the level of courage you will find a personal empowerment, a power that draws all its strength from the love of God.

Steve Hart

"What makes a king out of a slave? Courage!"

Friday, April 23, 2010

Unconditional Love

If you are reading this....then I know you have experienced "Unconditional Love" other wise you would not be interested in my blog....

I am sure you experience love everyday but living at a level of 500 (according to Dr. Hawkins) is a state of consciousness where Unconditional Love is your normal level....that is a challenge.

The message in this video will give you the key to reaching that goal.

Steve Hart

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Consciousness & Sexuality

Both men and women struggle to express themselves in their sexuality...and those who have trouble raising their consciousness will experience problems. In this video clip Dr. Hawkins explains how you can transcend your levels of consciousness and find joy and freedom in your sexuality.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Biology Lesson for Enlightenment

So tell you think you are a "human being" having a spiritual experience...or are you a "spiritual being" having a human experience?

If you only knew who you would change everything!

Begin your journey to Self-Discovery now....