The law of Cause and Effect may NOT be what you think it is....
In this video Dr Hawkins explains how your thoughts are the cause that create the effects.
This explains the law of Correspondence....which says....Nothing appears in the physical until it is first created within the invisible.
When we think that the cause of everything is in response to the direct force of energy in the physical then we make the mistake of believing this law. Hawkins explains in his book "Power vs. Force" (I paraphrase) that all cause energy moves through the invisible then back into the physical before it manifest itself as the effect...Your thoughts will influence the energy within the effect therefore you will determine the outcome of the effect be consciously or unconsciously.
When you expand your awareness you empower yourself to manifest exactly what you want through the law of Cause and Effect.
There is no "this" causing a "that"...
This is the link to the video....I was NOT able to embed it here....sorry.
Steve Hart