Sunday, August 22, 2010

What is Content vs. Context?

You are experiencing everything thing in either content or in context. Content are the things of this world. Context are the spiritual life and meaning behind all thing in this world.

I remember when I first read this in Hawkin's book, "Power Vs. Force" I had some trouble understanding this...I hope this video will help you in your understanding of what they are and how you will experience them.


According to Dr. Hawkins at the level of consciousness (200) it is called "Courage"... at this level you begin to take responsibility for everything in your understand that there is no one to blame...therefore you are empowered to forgive and live your life in integrity as you make progress to the next level of consciousness which is "Neutrality."

You are currently living in an age of ethics and integrity.
According to the Mayan Calendar the timeline of Age of Ethics spans from January 1999 - March 2011. As you and the whole "collective unconsciousness" move through this period in will experience a series of events exposing your own dark hidden secrets and the corruptions in this world. You will learn how to face these hidden secrets as you transform your fears into love.

Steve Hart

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Understanding Our Attachment To This World

Dr. Hawkins speaks on the field of the consciousness:

In this video he addresses the "Attachment" and how that works toward or survival when we are first born into this world.

To raise your consciousness it is important to understand how our attachments work against our spiritual growth. When you become aware of your attachments that is the beginning of your freedom.